
Right to Counsel

Tenants threatened with eviction should have a right to legal representation! There is so much on the line in eviction court. We are building a local campaign and joining the National Coalition for the Right to Counsel ( Contact us to get involved!


Sign our petition: Stop evictions and protect human rights during the pandemic

Letter to landlords: keep your buildings clean and safe during COVID-19 pandemic

Demands issued to Cynthia Akers (Countryside Property Management)

Mni Luzahan Creek Patrol & Camp Mni Luzahan

The Mni Luzahan Creek Patrol is an Indigenous-led, grassroots effort to keep our community safe. Too many of our relatives are living without shelter and face violence near Rapid Creek. During nightly patrols, community members check in on unsheltered relatives, giving them food, water and basic first aid if necessary. Indigenous people have an inherent right to be here on their own land.

Support this effort by visiting their website.

Organizations supporting the Creek Patrol include Uniting Resilience, AIM Grassroots, Veteran & Tokala of Pine Ridge, Oyatekin Chantewastepi, Hesapa Voter Initiative, and West River Tenants United.